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Department of Interventional Radiology

Brief Description of the Department: The radiology department provides all Diagnostic and Interventional modern multi-specialty.

Faculty Members

Dr. M A Mateen DMRD, DNB
Consultant Radiologist

Dr. Jagadeesh R MD, PDCC
Consultant Intervention Radiologistt

Dr. Piyal Nag DNB
Consultant Intervention Radiologist

Dr. M K. Majaz Hussain DMRD
Consultant Radiologist

Dr.G. Narsimha.Rao DMRD
Consultant Radiologist

Dr. V Gangadhar DMRD, DNB, MNMAMS
Consultant Radiologist

Dr. John Dev Kumar DMRD
Consultant Radiologist

Dr. P N Rao MD
Consultant Radiologist

Services / Instruments available :

Ultrasound and Colour Doppler studies: The working area of Ultrasonography has three Doppler machines and two portable ultrasound machines. The Doppler equipment list includes one Aloka SSD-400GE Logic P5 and GE Logic 400Md. About 180 ultrasound and Doppler examinations are done each day in the department. Ultrasound guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are also done in this area, with about 10 procedures being done each day.

Special radiographic procedures: These include, barium studies, IVPs, MCUs, sinograms and sialograms. Most of these cases are done in a workspace dedicated for such procedures, on a Siemens Digital – Fluoro Conos R-200, 500mA machine. The cases are performed by a radiographer and Radiologist, with about 10 barium and special procedures being done each day.

CT Scanner: The department has one CT Scanner, a Siemens Somatom Emotion spiral CT. About 15 CT examinations (90% abdomen) are done each working day, In addition, about 1 or 2 CT guided (diagnostic and therapeutic) procedures are performed each day.

Interventional Procedures: The department is well equipped for both diagnostic and therapeutic interventional procedures with a dedicated angiographic suit that has a Siemens Axiom ARTIS U Angiographic unit, pressure injectors and other accessory equipment. Diagnostic work done includes abdominal angiography. Interventional vascular procedures include embolization for GI bleed, angioplasty and stent in Budd Chiari Syndrome, TIPS, HVPG estimation, TACE in HCC, Transjugular liver biopsy etc. Nonvascular interventions include PTBD with/without stenting in type 1-4 biliary blocks, H-J stricturoplasty, Rendezvous procedures PCD for liver abscess and collections, Percutaneous cholecystomy, transgastric pseudocyst drainage etc.

Interventional Achievements (2007-2008) :


Successful management of all H – J strictures with Intrahepatic stone removal
PTBD with and without stenting done with 2% complication rate. Successful T and Y stenting done.
TIPS done for Hydrothorax
Management of Budd Chiari Syndrome – HV stenting and IVC Angioplasty with stenting
Portal Vein Embolization